10002. Fertilizer
Fertilizers are stored and used by colleges and university facilities to promote plant growth and health.
- Signs are posted on doors to storage area that read “Danger - Fertilizer.”
- If the storage area is a separate facility, a 10-lb. ABC fire extinguisher should be available.
- When the storage area is within another building, have a 10-lb. ABC fire extinguisher located within 25 feet of the fertilizer.
- Always store fertilizer in the original containers with the original, legible labels attached on all containers.
- Date and rotate inventory.
- Do not use more fertilizer than directed by the label.
- Use protective measures when handling fertilizer as directed by the label, such as wearing impermeable gloves, long pants, and long-sleeve shirts. Change clothes and wash your hands immediately after applying fertilizer.
- Don’t apply fertilizer outdoors on windy or rainy days. Take precautions to keep the fertilizer from drifting or running off onto the adjoining property.
- If using a commercial applicator or lawn care service, ask for information about potential risks and safety precautions to take.
- Keep the telephone number of your area poison control center near your telephone.
- Store protective equipment and clothing in a nearby location that is accessible and clearly identified.
- Purchase fertilizers in bulk quantity with staggered delivery dates.
- MSDS should be kept and posted at or immediately nearby storage areas.
- Natural organic soil amendments and fertilizers should be used to the greatest extent possible.